Annual Zero Waste Europe meeting in Gipuzkoa – 11-13th May 2012 BlunkSuck: Annual Zero Waste Europe meeting in Gipuzkoa – 11-13th May 2012

Kamis, 12 April 2012

Annual Zero Waste Europe meeting in Gipuzkoa – 11-13th May 2012

The European network of Zero Waste groups will be meeting in Donosti (San Sebastian), spanish Basque country, from 11th to 13th May 2012.

This meeting will bring together activists, waste experts & policy-makers from all over Europe with the participation of observers from outside the continent.

This event will combine site-visits with public events and internal debates.

We will visit the best-practices of Hernani and Usurbil, municipalities who pioneered door-to-door separate collection in the basque country and now collect more than 85% of its waste separately allowing for very high recycling and composting rates.

There will be public conferences with experts in Zero Waste strategies such a Dr Paul Connett, Enzo Favoino or Rossano Ercolini who will share the experience and the details of a Zero Waste with citizens and policy-makers.

And last but not least there will be the meeting of the Zero Waste network in Europe where we will discuss strategy for the next year, approve indicators to measure progress to Zero Waste, present best practices from different local experiences and prepare common cross-border projects.

If you are running a Zero Waste project, if you are interested to know more about Zero Waste, if you want to link to other Zero Waste networks in other countries you are most welcome to join. Places are limited. May you want to participate you can register here. Deadline is April 16th!

To check the programme of the meeting click here.

Organised by:

2 komentar:

  1. [...] Zero Zabor estrategiak Azpeitiko eta Gipuzkoako mugak gainditzen dituela. Argi geratu da oraingoan, Europa Zero Waste mugimendua gurean izango baita Maiatzaren 11tik [...]

  2. Representante de Lasarte Oria Bizirik
