Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

Breaking the Barriers to Zero Waste: The Role of the Community

Join the UK Zero Waste Alliance to end waste through community action.


This conference will bring together people from across the UK to  understand how we can work together to change the way we think about “waste” and to challenge the systems that create it.   Whilst we still need to change our waste habits, it’s hard to zero our waste when many areas don’t have good kerbside collections,  there is a mountain of packaging on our food and wall-to-wall adverts urging us to buy.     Where are the main areas that the community can make a difference?   What works? And how we can make more impact by working together through community action.


Zero Waste Alliance UK Conference and AGM, 11.00- 3pm Saturday 10th November

Greenpeace, Canonbury Villas, Islington, London N1 2PN

The conference will be followed by a short AGM to which all are welcome.


Please click here to reserve your free place    http://www.zwallianceuk.org/


Speakers from Wastewatch, Bioregional, Cwm Harry, Rubbish Diet, Transition Town Shrewsbury.
READ MORE - Breaking the Barriers to Zero Waste: The Role of the Community

Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

Launch of Zero Waste Romania - Cluj Napoca

During October 19 and 20 an International Zero Waste meeting will take place in Cluj Napoca, Romania. This will be the first event to promote Zero Waste in the country and it aims to bring together national and local stakeholders including activists, waste experts and operators, ecodesign specialists, city planners and architects, public authorities, policy-makers with the participation of international observers.

One of the main objectives of the meeting will be to set up solid grounds for collaboration between all the main stakeholders in order to create long term sustainable change. In this context, the industry must rethink and redesign their products in order to be repaired, reused and/or recycled. Also, local municipalities could ease the implementation of the Zero Waste system through supporting legislation.

Presentations will highlight concepts such as cradle to cradle, circular economy, ecodesign and extended manufacturer responsibility promoting the 5 R’s: Rethink. Redesign. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.

For registration please email elena@zerodeseuriromania.ro by October the 12th.

To see the agenda click here

READ MORE - Launch of Zero Waste Romania - Cluj Napoca

Senin, 01 Oktober 2012

The art of Zero Waste!

Waste and art have always gone hand in hand. It was the fantastic artist Leonardo Da Vinci who 500 years ago wrote "there is no such thing as waste" and he knew what he was talking about! Artists have long been using second-hand materials, waste and reused objects to shape their creations.

In this post we want to render hommage to the relationship between artists and waste in yet another demonstration that it doesn't make sense to burn or bury those materials that still can serve a purpose.

[caption id="attachment_1237" align="alignleft" width="450"] Picasso - Bull's head 1943[/caption]


READ MORE - The art of Zero Waste!